Monday, September 8, 2008

Fascism Exposed

Treachery must be punished

A Surya Prakash

A bunch of US and Europe-based India-baiters, many of whom are possibly our fellow citizens, have done signal disservice to our Constitution, secular order and territorial integrity by putting their weight behind the arguments of Kashmiri separatists and shooting off a petition full of factual inaccuracies and patent lies to the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The signatories to this petition, mostly academics in leading US universities, have called for UN intervention to deal with what they claim is a "humanitarian crisis" in Jammu & Kashmir.

Many of the signatories to this petition have Indian surnames like Chatterji, Seshadri, Mathur, Bose, Basu, Khan and Nagarajan. If any of them are citizens of India and if the Government stands committed to protecting India's unity and integrity, then the following course of action may be considered: Impounding the passports of all these worthies at the port of entry whenever they return to India; arrest on arrival; and framing of charges under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967. Section 2(1)(o) of the Act describes 'unlawful activity' as any action taken by an individual or an association (whether by committing an act or by words, either spoken or written...) : (i) which is intended, or supports any claim, to bring about, on any ground whatsoever, the cession of a part of the territory of India or the secession of a part of the territory of India from the Union, or which incites any individual or group of individuals to bring about such cession or secession; or (ii) which disclaims, questions, disrupts or is intended to disrupt the sovereignty and territorial integrity of India; or (iii) which causes or is intended to cause disaffection against India. Section 2(1)(i) of the Act further explains that "cessation of a part of the territory of India from the Union includes the assertion of any claim to determine whether such part will remain a part of the territory of India".

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